Sunday, June 1, 2014


Eric and I have been married for almost 3 years, and we have done a pretty good job of cramming as much travel in as we could during these years before baby. Our very favorite thing is to take a long weekend and go somewhere that isn't too long of a plane ride away. We love short trips over a long weekend where we only stay for a few nights but cram as much as we can into the time we have there.  We decided to do this same thing for our "one last hoorah" trip without baby...our Babymoon!  When we booked the trip I was probably 16 weeks along, and planning the trip for when I would be 27 weeks. Because I had no idea how I would be feeling, we wanted to go somewhere we hadn't been together yet, but also somewhere not too far away.  We decided on Santa Barbara for 2 nights, and Santa Monica for one.  We landed in LAX, rented a car and drove along the PCH to Santa Barbara. Let's just say we are OBSESSED with Santa Barbara, had so much fun exploring it and now are wishing we lived there... maybe someday...

While this was our last trip before baby - we are SO excited to have a new little travel buddy with us next time! :)

After our little road trip along PCH, we arrived at the Four Seasons Biltmore Santa Barbara. Such a beautiful hotel!

Lots of walking & exploring the grounds at our hotel.

Our favorite meal - breakfast!

Santa Barbara Courthouse 

At the very top of the SB Courthouse with a beautiful view!

After a couple days of exploring SB, I was so excited to lay by the pool at our hotel and get some much needed sun.

Eric is obsessed with Pinkberry and we literally had it every day on the trip.

The beach in front of our hotel in SB - Butterfly Beach

Baby girl's new pink converse :)

One last picture at the beach in SB before taking off to Santa Monica

Our road trip good.

Lunch in LA with my handsome hubby

Shopping for myself isn't as fun anymore when I can shop for her instead!

Our hotel in Santa Monica (The Viceroy) had the cutest bathroom ever.

Being tourists at Griffith Observatory 

I could have spent hours in Sugar Paper LA...if only Eric wasn't pacing around out front rushing me along ;)

My cousin works at the Nordstrom in the Grove so we stopped by at the end of her shift to meet her for dinner.

My beautiful cousin Rachel who just moved to LA!

On our last day before heading home, we met up for brunch with our good friends Whitney, Justin and their precious new baby Stetston. 

Headed home.

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