Sunday, June 1, 2014

35 Weeks.

How Far Along:  35 weeks

Size of Baby: About 5 lbs & 18 inches long - size of a honeydew

Maternity Clothes:  Mix & match of both, but mostly in maternity t-shirts and pants. It's a huge struggle getting dressed these days!

Stretch Marks: None
Sleep:  Pretty awful...lots of trouble getting comfortable and I HATE sleeping on my side. I can't wait to sleep on my back again!! I would say my worst part of pregnancy has been sleeping on my side because my hips get SO sore and wake me up.  We're up to at least 3 delirious bathroom trips per night now too. I'd say its pretty true that pregnancy trains you to be up a lot in the night with your new baby!

Best Moment of the Week:  Knowing its my last full week of working in the office. I love going to work but as uncomfortable as I am it will be so much better working from home the next few weeks.

 Movement:  Lots. Big rolls and lots of pressure. She sticks her little bum in the air and holds it there making my belly lopsided! She's also been kicking her little feet at my ribs.

Cravings:  I crave 5 Guys about once a week. Chocolate doughnuts from Albertsons!

Gender: GIRL! 

Belly Button In or Out:  Completely out...its been out since first tri!

Wedding Ring on or Off:  Off...once it started to get hot outside my rings became too tight :( So I have a fake band now.

Anything Making You Queasy or Sick:  No

What I Miss: Sleeping through the night and wearing my old clothes.

What I am Looking Forward to:  Baby girl's arrival....which is so crazy to think it could really be any time now!

Labor Signs: None

Nursery:  We finished it last weekend!  I think we have literally everything we need at this point. Just need the baby now!

Emotions:  Anxious. I hate surprises and not knowing when I will go into labor kills me! Also just so excited to meet her. Can't believe its so soon!

[Almost] weekly bump pics...

1 comment:

  1. You dress your bump so well! Sometimes it's hard to find a way to dress it so it's still cute, your doing a great job!


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